Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Two Favorite “F” Words: Food and Family

           I grew up with four siblings and two wonderful and caring parents. My siblings and I didn’t always get along so well, but now that we are older our relationships are so strong. I have two brothers, Kalvin and Kean, and two sisters, Kayla and Kelsie. Yes, all of our names start with the letter K, which can be confusing when your mom is trying to yell at you, and she goes through the whole list of names. Let me just say my childhood was never dull or boring. There was always something happening, and usually these “happenings” ended up with all of us youngsters crowding around a kitchen table to enjoy a meal together. It always seemed whether it be my immediate family or not, food always brought family together.
I spent this past weekend with my whole immediate family, a total of ten with in-laws! My brother, Kalvin, and his wife, Chasity just finished building a log home in Perry County, Pennsylvania. On Saturday they had a house warming party. Also on Saturday my sister, Kelsie, and brother-in-law, Chip, arrived home for the first time in a year and a half from Bristol, England where they have been studying for their master’s degrees. This weekend was the first time in almost two years my whole family was together. And surprise, surprise, there was a large amount of food present.
This correlation between family and food might be the foundation for my passion for cooking and baking. As we grow older it is harder and harder to get us all together at the same time because we are all so busy with our lives. I absolutely adore my family, and I could never imagine my life without any of them. It just so happens that when one of my favorite “F” words is present the other one is usually close behind. And I can’t say I mind it that way!

Sister-in law, Chasity
Brother, Kalvin (we're cooking food!)

Middle: Brother-in law, Chip, sister, Kelsie, and my fiance, Chad (right)
Same as above, Sister, Kayla in middle
Brother, Kean
"The Girls of the family!"

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