Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Alarming food facts...

Coconuts kill more people in the world than sharks do. 
Approximately 150 people are killed each year by coconuts.

The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.

Coca Cola was originally green.

There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee.
Of these, only 26 have been tested, and half caused cancer in rats.

Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges.

So Random, but so interestingly weird...

Honey is the only food that does not spoil!

Peanuts are used in the creation of dynamite!

The dye used to stamp meat is edible, it is made from grape skins!

Just mind blowing....

To burn off one plain M&M candy, you need to walk the full length of a football field.



Junk Food

10 Facts about Junk Food

...that scared me a little...

  1. Junk food is typically defined as foods with little nutritional value that are high in calories, fat, sugar, salt, or caffeine. Junk food can include breakfast cereals, candies, chips, cookies, French fries, gum, hamburger, hot dogs, ice cream, sodas, and most sweet desserts.
  2. The increase of junk food is directly associated with the increase in obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers, tooth decay, and other diseases.
  3. Fats from junk food trigger the brain to want more food. This effect can last for several days.
  4. More than $2 billion of candy is sold for Halloween, more than any other holiday.

  5. Almost 80% of food commercials aired on Saturday morning children shows are for junk food.
  6. Today the United States has a $23 billion candy market. Candy sales have continued to increase despite concerns with junk food and obesity.
  7. Hostess makes 500 million Twinkies a year.
  8. The agent that gives Twinkies their smooth feel, cellulose gum, is also used in rocket fuel to give it a slightly gelatinous feel.

  9. Corn dextrin, a common thickener used in junk food, is also the glue on envelopes and postage stamps.
  10. The creamy middle of a Twinkie is not cream at all but mostly Crisco, which is vegetable shortening.

Disturbing Facts about Fast Food...=0

  • Nearly 27 million Americans eat at McDonald's—per day.
  • Every month, approximately nine out of 10 American children visit a McDonald's restaurant.
  • In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food. In 2006, the spending rose to nearly $142 billion.
  • Proportionally, hash browns have more fat and calories than a cheeseburger or Big Mac.
  • McDonald's is Brazil’s largest employer.
  • When McDonald's opened an outlet in Kuwait shortly after the end of the Gulf War, the line of cars waiting to eat there was seven miles long
  • Burger King’s Double Whopper with cheese contains 923 calories. A man would need to walk for about nine miles to burn it off. Adding french fries and a large cola brings the total calories to an amazing 1,500 calories (2/3 of an adult man’s recommended daily caloric intake).
  • French fries are the single most popular fast food in America. In 1970, french fries surpassed regular potato sales in the United States. In 2004, Americans ate 7.5 billion pounds of frozen french fries.
  • McDonald's is the largest purchaser of beef, pork, and potatoes and the second largest purchaser of chicken in the world. Its annual orders for french fries constitute 7.5% of America’s entire potato crop.
  • McDonald's is one of the largest owners of real estate in the world and it earns the majority of its profits from collecting rent, not from selling food.
  • By the end of the twentieth century, one out of eight American workers had at some time been employed by McDonald's and 96% of Americans had visited McDonald's at least once. It was also serving an estimated 22 million Americans every day and even more abroad.
  • High-fructose corn syrup (which tricks your body into wanting to eat more and to store more fat) first appeared in 1967, and the average American now consumes 63 pounds of it a year. It is ubiquitous in fast foods.
  • A McDonald’s’ corn muffin has more calories than a glazed donut. A small packet of Wendy’s honey mustard dressing has 280 calories.
  • Today, Americans consume approximately 70 million “tater tots” a year. To burn off one serving (3 oz) of tater tots would take about 67 minutes of walking.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Just Truly Amazing

So amazing I had to share...

A row of corn always has an even number.

  • An ear of corn averages 800 kernels in 16 rows.

  • A pound of corn consists of approximately 1,300 kernels.

  • 100 bushels of corn produces approximately 7,280,000 kernels.

  • Each year, a single U.S. farmer provides food and fiber for 129 people - 97 in the U.S. and 32 overseas.

  • In the U.S., corn production measures more than 2 times that of any other crop.

Random Facts About Thanksgiving (Food)

  1. President Jefferson called a federal Thanksgiving proclamation “the most ridiculous idea ever conceived.”
  2. Held every year on the island of Alcatraz since 1975, “Unthanksgiving Day” commemorates the survival of Native Americans following the arrival and settlement of Europeans in the Americas.
  3. The famous “Pilgrim and Indian” story featured in modern Thanksgiving narratives was not initially part of early Thanksgiving stories, largely due to tensions between Indians and colonists.
  4. The turkeys typically depicted in Thanksgiving pictures are not the same as the domestic turkeys most people eat at Thanksgiving. Domestic turkeys usually weigh twice as much and are too large to fly.
  5. The average long-distance Thanksgiving trip is 214 miles, compared with 275 miles over the Christmas and New Year’s holiday.
  6. Americans eat roughly 535 million pounds of turkey on Thanksgiving.
  7. The Pilgrim’s thanksgiving feast in 1621 occurred sometime between September 21 and November 1. It lasted three days and included 50 surviving pilgrims and approximately 90 Wampanoag Indians, including Chief Massasoit. Their menu differed from modern Thanksgiving dinners and included berries, shellfish, boiled pumpkin, and deer.
  8. Now a Thanksgiving dinner staple, cranberries were actually used by Native Americans to treat arrow wounds and to dye clothes.
  9. In 2007, George W. Bush granted a pardon to two turkeys named May and Flower The tradition of pardoning Thanksgiving turkeys began in 1947, though Abraham Lincoln is said to have informally started the practice when he pardoned his son’s pet turkey.
  10. Not all States were eager to adopt Thanksgiving because some thought the national government was exercising too much power in declaring a national holiday. Additionally, southern States were hesitant to observe what was largely a New England practice.
  12. Thanksgiving football games began with Yale versus Princeton in 1876.
  13. Established in 1924, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade ties for second as the oldest Thanksgiving parade. The Snoopy balloon has appeared in the parade more often than any other character. More than 44 million people watch the parade on TV each year and 3 million attend in person.
  14. Baby turkeys are called poults. Only male turkeys gobble and, therefore, are called gobblers.
  15. In 2009, roughly 38.4 million Americans traveled more than 50 miles to be with family for Thanksgiving. More than four million flew home.
  16. Thanksgiving Day is actually the busiest travel day, even more so than the day before Thanksgiving, as most people believe.
  17. Thanksgiving can occur as early as November 22 and as late as November 28.d
  18. The Friday after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday largely because stores hope the busy shopping day will take them out of the red and into positive profits. Black Friday has been a tradition since the 1930s.